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Counting down the weekends

Less than 2 months before I leave for Europe. It's pretty definite that my departure date is August 1, so time is ticking.

This weekend I'm heading down to Eugene to see friends. I only have but so many opportunities before I see them again, and I'm going to savor every moment I have with them.
On the bus down, sure, there'll be plenty of time to read guidebooks. That’s what bus rides are for. That and napping. But when I’m in town, it’s all about the friends, and spending time with them.
I can’t wait to see them, just as I look forward to going away and meeting, as they say, some of the friends I didn’t know I had.
It’s going to be a good weekend. I can just about count on two hands the number of weekends I have left in the States. Closer, and closer, and closer.
If you need me, I’ll be the short blur of excited energy bouncing off the walls.