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Dreaming about Europe, dreaming about BootsnAll, dreaming about the future

Tonight I’m sitting in Perugino with Sean, splitting a bottle of wine and playing with my new potential toy for this Europe shebang. It’s the first time in a while that Sean and I have really sat down to go over the Europe trip, kick around status, discuss itinerary, and of course play with geek toys. Which may well be the most fun part. Well, okay, no, the trip itself is the most fun part, but what’s a trip if you can’t play with techie toys, right?

Today we received a tester AlphaSmart 3000. This little keyboard with a glorified cellphone screen weighs next to nothing, and could well be perfect for blogging in places away from a computer, until I can get to a webworked machine for uploading posts to Eurail Blog.
Is it perfect? No. It’s technology — tech’s never perfect. Just like travelers, and people in general.